If you're running a 64-bit Windows 10 installation choose the top one if a 32-bit installation, choose the bottom one. Image credit: JeanLucIchard / Shutterstock 4 CommentsSubmission Guidelines | Link Flair - How ToSelect and Download the Proper File. See Servicing stack updates for more details on servicing stack updates.KB5005565 and KB5005566 are available to download via Windows Update, Microsoft Update and the Microsoft Update Catalog. Install the most recent Servicing Stack Update that matches your version of Windows from the Microsoft Update Catalog. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Windows Update. Run the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter to fix common issues.
Windows Catalog Vs Microsoft Full Access To
Launch the WSUS console, expand your server and click Updates. This update is applicable for computers running Windand WindOS. On the Microsoft Update Catalog, we have also provided new. NET, POSH is a full-featured task automation framework for distributed Microsoft platforms and solutions.To use this site to find and download updates, you need to change your security. Offering full access to COM, WMI and. This is a pretty simple example of what you'll find in the Microsoft Update Catalog.Windows PowerShell (POSH) is a command-line shell and associated scripting language created by Microsoft.
Denver Microsoft Enterprise Management User Group Master-PowerShell by Dr. The update is rollout via Windows Update, WSUS and Microsoft Update Catalog. Downloading and installing Windows 11 will most likely take longer than a. In the text box, type the update number. Clicking Import Updates opens the browser and takes you to Microsoft Update Catalog site.
So for instance, I could specify "2020-09" (Updates for September 2020), for the query, and it would return back a matching list of all KBs along with download links that correspond with the system. My goal with all of this is to have a way to find the updates which match the computer the script is ran on, and possibly check to see that an update is installed or install a specific update without needing to specify a KB number for each and every platform. Research Triangle Powershell User Group remote-capableI've been doing some digging off and on with how to get Powershell to query the Microsoft Update Catalog automatically. Philadelphia PowerShell User Group remote-capable
It's basically executing the following, then parsing the results: $KB="KB4566116"(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$KB").Links | Where-Object id -like '*_link'It's fine when using this as the script was intended with supplying a specific KB number as these query results will never be beyond one page. While it does work, it will only get the download links from the first page and does not support multiple pages. While this script is slick, it doesn't meet my needs due to the 1GB download required.The first link is the most optimal as it has the smallest footprint. This file has to be downloaded on every use in order to obtain the most recent catalog information. That's a lot of download bandwidth needed to use this regularly or pushed to multiple machines through our remote management tools.
I also found a blog post on using Windows Update from the system itself, but some hotfixes may not display when using this data.P.P.S. If you have any pointers or resources I could reference, I would most appreciate it.P.s. I will note that using multiple query values like "2020-08" "Windows 10" "x64" "1909" does limit the results enough to fit on one pages (probably) to where I could use the script in the first link, but I've found that the filtering the Microsoft Update site uses isn't always the best, so I would rather perform the filtering in powershell, which means I need to be able to follow the next page links.I'm not really sure where to go from here on getting powershell to perform the _doPostBack function that javascript handles currently on the page. This is the form data from the source for the Microsoft Update Catalog webpage, although I'm not sure what I would do with it. The site uses a javascript:_doPostBack( 'ctl00$catalogBody$nextPageLinkText','') for the next button instead of the next page data being part of the URL.The bit of research I've done on this and determined that the _doPostBack function pushes data to the webform which then in turn provides the new data when the page reloads. I'm not quite sure how to get powershell to follow the next page links though.
$url=""$ie = New-Object -com internetexplorer.applicationWhile($ie.ReadyState -ne 4) $links=$ie.Document.IHTMLDocument2_links | where-object id -like '*_link'$next=$ie.Document.getElementById("ctl00_catalogBody_nextPageLinkText")This successfully opens the browser and clicks the next button on the page. I was able to piece together the following thanks to a post on SuperUser, the Microsoft documentation for the Internet Explorer object), and the autocomplete feature inside VSCode.I came up with the following bit of code. :(After doing a bit more searching, I stumbled upon the fact that PowerShell can use com objects, and one of those com objects happens to be IE.